We’re a group of local citizens organizing to facilitate awareness events that will provide a focal point for the community to come together for discussion, education, celebration, and mutual support.
These events will provide a forum to expand the discussion on the relative merits, safety, and specific process details of hydro-fracking that folks ought to be aware of in order to make informed decisions about development of shale resources in their communities.
In recognition that the waters of New York State at large are under an imminent threat from global gas interests, the Finger Lakes CleanWaters Initiative, as part of its pro-active, event based outreach and educational mission, has partnered with the wildly successful Finger Lakes GrassRoots Festival of Music and Dance, Sierra Club Atlantic, Catskill Mountain Keeper, EarthWorks, NYRAD, BRSC, and many others, in order to present a series of events throughout the region. A significant goal of the events will be to provide a vehicle for local citizen group’s outreach and education. Where ever and when ever possible the screening of educational films will compliment a community outreach program spearheaded by citizen groups, educators, and organizers for communities around and within New York State.
Ultimately, we expect to not only protect, but to improve the quality of the waters in our own region and throughout New York State. Water is life and life is water. We drink it, it nourishes our children, our food, ourselves. We all stand on the same shore. We all draw water from the same well.
The Clean Waters Initiative: Defending New York’s Number One Economic Resource through event-based outreach and education; Protecting New York State’s Waters against Unsafe Gas Drilling.
You can write us : info@fingerlakescleanwaters.org. We invite your participation in this important work.