GASLAND PART II, Ithaca NY Premier Meet Director Josh Fox June 7th 7 PM at Statler Auditorium

FRIDAY JUNE 7,  7:00PM Statler Auditorium, $10.00 Suggested Donation,

You can get Advanced Reserved seating tickets 607 273-4497 or TicketCenterIthaca

7:00-9:00pm followed directly by Q&A with Josh Fox, Dr. Robert Howarth, Ph.D. and Special Guests TBA.

Tickets available on Friday May 17th at Ticket Center Ithaca.

Please reserve your seats in advance for a $10.00 suggested donation.

Co-Sponsors include NYAF, Earthjustice, Shaleshock, Gas Free Seneca, KyotoNOW!, Green Umbrella, DRAC, ENSAW to start. Proceeds go to the Fight For Seneca Lake.

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